Alabama |
Auburn University
Auburn University Bookstore 1360 Haley Center
Auburn, AL 36849 (334)844-4241
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Health Sciences Bookstore 528 20th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35233 (205) 934-6937
EBSCO Subscription Services P.O. Box 1943
Birmingham, AL 35201 (205) 991-1111
University of South Alabama
USA Healthsciences Bookstore 1504 Springhill Avenue
Mobile, AL 36604-3273 (334) 434-3635
University of Alabama Bookstore P.O. Box 5550
Huntsville, AL 35899-0001 (205) 895-6600
Samford Bookstore
(205) 726-2834
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Arkansas |
UAMS Bookstore 4301 West Markham, Slot # 565
Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 686-6169
University of Arkansas Bookstore 2801 So. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204 (501) 569-3245
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Arizona |
California |
Colorado |
University of C.H.S.C. Bookstore 4200 E. 9th Avenue, A-057
Denver, CO 80262 (303) 315-5725 (800) 591-2884
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Connecticut |
University Conn Health Center Bookstore
263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030-4328
Yale Co-op York Street 44 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 772-2200 ext. 301 or 304
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Washington, DC |
Florida |
Barry University Thompson Hall 33161-6628
11300 NE Second Ave Miami Shores, Fl 33161-6628
(305 899-3970
University of Florida Health Sciences Bookstore
Ground Level JHMHC PO Box 118450
Gainesville, FL 32611-8450 (352)392-3478
Florida Medical Books 2777 University Blvd. West
Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 731-4995
Florida Gulf Coast University Bookstore
10501 FGCU Blvd. South Ft. Myers, Fl 33965
941 590-1150
Nova Southeastern University Bookstore
Rosenthal Student Center 3301 College Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 (800)509-2665
Florida State University Bookstore
Parking Garage, Main Level Tallahassee, Fl 32306-4113
(800) 255-FSU1
Gainesville Medical Books Inc. 3234 S.W. 35th Blvd.
Gainesville, FL 32608 (904) 373-5592
The Medical Shop 7155 Oakland Park Blvd West
Lauderhill, FL 33313 (305) 572-4370
University of Miami Medical Bookstore
901 N.W. 17th Street, Suite N Miami, FL 33136 (305)243-5679
Miami-Dade Community College Bookstore
950 NW 20th Street Miami, Fl 33127-4622
(305) 237-4178
SECOM Bookstore 1750 N.E. 167th Street
N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 (305) 949-4000, ext. 1130
University of South Florida Health Sciences Bookstore
4204 East Fowler Avenue AXA 0094
Tampa, Fl 33620 (813) 974-4984
University of San Francisco Bookstore 4202 E. Fowler Ave., 2E
Tampa, FL 3620 (813) 974-4984
St. Petersburg Community College
Health Sciences Bookstore 7200 66th Street North
Pinellas Park, Fl 33781-4098 (727) 545-0261
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Georgia |
Emory University Bookstore
Dobbs Center - 605 Ashbury Circle Atlanta, GA 30322
(404) 727-6222
Morehouse School of Medicine Bookstore 830 Westview Drive S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314-1458 (404) 525-3568
Medical College of Georgia Bookstore Student Center Bookstore
Augusta, GA 30901 (706) 721-3581
University of Georgia
University Bookstore Athens, GA 30602
(877) 257-8673
Mercer University Bookstore
1400 Coleman Avenue Macon, GA 31207 (912) 752-2945
Life Chiropractic College Bookstore 1269 Barclay Circle - Annex #1
Marietta, GA 30060 (404) 429-8773
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Hawaii |
University Hawaii - Manoa Campus Bookstore
2465 Campus Road Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 956-8252
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Idaho |
Idaho State University Bookstore P.O. Box 8013
Pocatello, ID 83209 (208) 236-3237
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Illinois |
Indiana |
IUPUI Medical Bookstore 1830 W. 16th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 274-7874
Indiana University Bookstore
Indiana Memorial Union Bloomington, IN 47405
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Iowa |
University of Iowa - AMSA Bookstore
Medical Lab Building, Rm.365 Iowa City, IA 52242 (319) 335-8593
Palmer College of Chiro. Bookstore 1000 Brady Street
Davenport, IA 52803 (319) 326-9635
Iowa Book & Supply Co. 8 South Clinton, Box 2030
Iowa City, IA 52244 (319) 337-4188
Matthews DMU Bookstore
Matthews UOMHS Bookstore 3440 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 277-3800
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Kansas |
Kentucky |
University of Louisville Health Science Bookstore
Commons Building, #13 Louisville, KY 40292
Gray's College Bookstore 656 South 2nd Street
Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 587-0053
University of Kentucky Bookstore
106 Student Center Lexington, KY 40506 (606) 257-2947
University of Kentucky Medical Bookstore
905 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536 (606) 257-2947
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Louisiana |
LSUMC Bookstore 433 Bolivar Street New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 568-2504
LSUMC Bookstore 1501 Kings Hwy P.O. Box 33932
Shreveport, LA 71130 (318) 674-5020
Tulane Medical Bookstore 1430 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 588-5204
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Maryland |
Michigan |
Ulrichs Medical Bookstore
549 E. University Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 662-3201
Michigan Book and Supply 317 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2005 (313) 665-4990 ext. 121
Wayne State University Bookstore
5125 2nd Avenue Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 577-2436
University Detroit Dental Supply Str
2985 East Jefferson Avenue Detroit, MI 48207
Medical Book Center 4216 Woodward
Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 832-2262
Laco Bookstores Inc. 4 E. Alexandrine Street
Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 494-0367
MSU Bookstore Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 355-3450
Gibson Bookstore 128 West Grand River Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-8681
Student Bookstore Inc. 417-427 East Grand River
East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 351-4210
Matthews STAT Medical Bookstore 5015 Park Lake Road
East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 351-2610 Fax (517) 351-2667
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Minnesota |
No. Western College of Chiro. Bookstore
2501 West 84th Street Bloomington, MN 55431
University Minnesota - Duluth Bookstore
10 University Dr. - 175 Kirby Student Center Duluth, MN 55812
(218) 726-7286
University of Minnesota Health Sciences Bookstore
231 Pillsbury Drive S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455
Enrica Fish Books Inc. 814 Washington Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 623-0707
Mayo Clinic Medical Bookstore Plummer Building
Rochester, MN 55905-0001 (507) 284-2279
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Mississippi |
University of Mississippi Medical Center Bookstore
2500 N. State Street Jackson, MS 39216 (601) 984-1090
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Missouri |
Health Sciences Bookstore 650 E. 25th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 276-2191
Matthews Logan College of Chiro. Bookstore
1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017-5529
(314) 227-2100
Matthews Cleveland College of Chiropractic Bookstore
6401 Rock Hill Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 333-8230, ext. 235
Matthews College/Pharmacy Bookstore 4544 Parkview Place
St.Louis, MO 63110 (314) 367-5757
Matthews KCOM Bookstore
Matthews UHS Bookstore 2105 Independence Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64124 (816) 474-4200
Matthews St. Louis University Health Center Bookstore 1402 S. Grand Boulevard
St.Louis, MO 63104 (314) 577-8349
Matthews St. Louis College of Pharmacy Bookstore
Missouri Bookstore 909 Lowry Mall Columbia, MO 65201
(314) 442-6161
University Missouri Health Sciences Bookstore Blair Hall
400 Kentucky Blvd. Columbia, MO 65201 (314) 882-7611
UMKC Bookstore 500 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110 (816) 235-1401
Washington University in St. Louis Medical Bookstore
4550 Scott Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 (314)362-3240
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North Carolina |
University of North Carolina Health Affairs Bookstore CB#7535
101 North Medical Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7535 (919) 966-2208
CPCC Health Science Store 100 South Independence Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28204 (704) 330-5040
Duke University Medical Center Bookstore
DUMC Box 3102 Durham, NC 27710 (919) 684-8111
The Book Exchange 105-109 W. Chapel Hill Street
Durham, NC 27701 (919) 682-4662
ECU Student Stores Medical Bookstore 2E67E Brody
Greenville, NC 27834 (919) 816-3450
Bowman-Gray School of Medicine Bookstore Medical Center Blvd
Winston-Salem, NC 27103 (919) 748-4383
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North Dakota |
North Dakota University Bookstore
P.O. Box 8197 University Station Grand Forks, ND 58201
(701) 777-2746
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Nebraska |
UNMC Bookstore 600 S. 42nd Street Omaha, NE 68198
(402) 559-4297
Creighton University Campus Store
2500 Cass Street Omaha, NE 68178 (402) 280-2796
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Nevada |
A.S.Univ. N. Bookstore - University of Nevada
Jot Travis Student Union Reno, Nevada 89507
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New Hampshire |
Dartmouth Medical School Bookstore HB 7040, 814 Vail
Hanover, NH 03756 (603) 650-1654
Dartmouth Bookstore DHMC Suite 839 1 Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756 (603) 650-3200
Yankee Book Peddler 999 Maple Street
Contoocook, NH 03229-0309 (603) 746-3102
Dartmouth Bookstore 33 South Main Street
Hanover, NH 03755 (603) 643-3616
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New Jersey |
New Mexico |
Holman's Inc. 6201 Jefferson Street N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87123 (505) 343-0007
UNM Bookstore/Medical-Legal Branch 620 Camino de Salud N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505) 277-5827
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Oklahoma |
Ratcliffe's Campus Store 400 NorthEast 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 271-2448
Matthews Medical Book Exchange 712 Culbertson Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-8412 (405) 528-0076
Oklahoma College/Osteopathic Medicine Bookstore 1111 West 17th
Street Tulsa, OK 74107 (918) 582-1972
Matthews/OSU-College of Medicine 2401 Southwest Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74107 (918) 561-8370
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Oregon |
Matthews WSCC Bookstore
Oregon Health Sciences University Bookstore
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Road Portland, OR 97201
O.H.S. University Dental Bookstore
611 S.W. Campus Drive Portland, OR 97201
Western St. Chiro. College Bookstore 2900 N.E. 132nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97230 (503) 256-3180
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Pennsylvania |
Milton S. Hershey Medical Bookstore
500 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033-2360 (717) 534-8748
MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine Bookstore
2900 Queen Lane Philadelphia, PA 19129
MCP Hahnemann Center City Bookstore
1505 Race Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215)762-7629
Matthews Dolbey's Health Science Bookstore 3724 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 222-6020
Matthews PCOM Bookstore 4190 City Line Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131 (215) 871-0557
Medical College of PA Bookstore 2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129 (215) 842-1353
Medical College of PA Bookstore 3300 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19129 (215) 842-6353
Thomas Jefferson University Bookstore
224 South 11th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
Pennsylvania College of Optometry 8360 Old York Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027-1598 (215) 780-1400
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine 4170 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131 (215) 871-6701
Philadelphia Pharmacy and Science Bookstore Griffith Hall - 600 South
43rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 596-8850
PTSA Book Fund 8th & Race Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 629-0300, ext. 157
Rittenhouse Bookstore 1706 Rittenhouse Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 545-6072
Temple Health Sciences Bookstore Broad & Ontario Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19140 (215) 221-3157
Health Book Center--University of Pittsburgh
3527 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3306
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Puerto Rico |
University of Puerto Rico Bookstore
GPO Box 365067 San Juan, PR 00936 (809) 758-2525
Ponce School of Medicine Bookstore
P.O. Box 7004 Ponce, PR 00731 (809) 840-2575
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Rhode Island |
Brown University Bookstore
71 Olive Street Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-3166 ext. 2150
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South Carolina |
Jordan Medical & Company
162-164 Ashley Avenue Charleston, SC 29403
University of South Carolina Health Sciences Bookstore
VA Bldg. #1, 6439 Garner's Ferry Road Columbia, SC 29209
(803) 733-3324
Professional Bookstore 162-164 Ashley Avenue
Charleston, SC 29403 (803) 723-8689
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South Dakota |
USD Book & Supply Inc. 401 East Cherry Street
Vermillion, SD 57069 (605) 677-5686
Student Assn. Bookstore
P.O. Box 2815-A (Univ. Sta.) Brookings, SD 57007
(605) 688-4163
The Index 440 Cherry Street Vermillion, SD 57069
(605) 624-4021
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Tennessee |
Texas |
Utah |
University of Utah Bookstore Health Science Branch
50 N. Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112
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Virginia |
Anderson Brothers Bookstore 1419 W. Main Street
Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804) 293-8161
Matthews EVMS Bookstore 700 W. Olney Rd. Room 1020
Norfolk, VA 23507 (804) 446-5818
MCV Campus Bookstore 601 N. 10th St., P.O. Box 13
Richmond, VA 23298-0013 (804) 828-0336
Bookstore - College of the Health Sciences 920 South Jefferson Street
Roanoke, VA 24016 (703) 985-8296
The Medical Book Company 440 Lake Havasu Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (804) 498-9170
University of Virginia
Student Bookstore Off Grounds On the Corner
1515 University Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22903
(804) 293-5900
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Vermont |
University of Vermont Medical Bookstore
Given Building Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 656-2558, ext. 3188
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Washington |
University Washington Bookstore 301 South Campus Center
Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6582
Clarke & Stone Book Company 202 East Trent Avenue
Spokane, WA 99202 (509) 838-0607
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West Virginia |
Marshall University Bookstore
Fifth Avenue & Elm Street Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 696-3622
WVU Medical Center Bookstore 112-G Basic Science Building
Morgantown, WV 26506 (304) 293-4849
University of Charleston Bookstore
2300 MacCorkle Avenue Charleston, WV 25304
University Medical Bookstore
3110 MacCorkle Avenue SE Charleston, WV 25304-1210
(304) 347-1276
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Wisconsin |
University Book Store
711 State Street Madison, WI 53703-1017
Matthews Professional Bookstore 1319 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53715-1054 (608) 255-6265
Marquette University Bookstore 818 N. 16th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233 (414) 288-7317
Matthews Medical College of Wisconsin Bookstore
8701 Watertown Plank Road Wauwatosa, WI 53226-3548
(800) 996-BOOK
Follett College Store 8701 Watertown Plank Road
Wauwatosa, WI 53226 (414) 257-3992
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